lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Multi-agent Building System using an Architectural Plan Language and some other Microlanguages

Hello! So long time!

I would like to share with you the following idea of a building system. My be an already existent one, but any way... it is just an idea.

Thinking about some building printing systems, suddenly an automated Lego-based building system came up in my mind. This system could use a multi-agent robotic system to orchestrate the building process. The problem is, how to guide the multi-agent system to proceed?

One solution, is to use some ADL (Architecture Description Language) as a visual language to describe the architectural, electric and plumbing/piping blueprint, an interior design description (may be using a CSS based description linked to the previous ADL definitions), schedule of the project (including human and material resources) and a contingency plan to be translated into a high level optimized language, perhaps based on URBI, to guide the execution of the multi-agent system along the building process. This multi-agent guidance process should be performed by a Universal Controller Module (UCM) fed up with some necessary inputs, described below:

  • Main human responsible of the building process, to be feed-backed  with main reports generated by the UCM. 
  • Current availability of materials in units, volume or mass.
  • Which responsible units (robots) are in charge of which material.
  • Which responsible humans are in charge of inspect the robotic units. (to be feed-backed with the real-time reports generated by the UCM through a web-app or mobile-app)
  • Time clock punching of human inspectors, to keep track the predefined schedule.
  • Security and quality standards to follow, perhaps described using some microlanguage.
To summarize the idea, the building process using this system is:

  1. Using some ADL:
    1. Define the architectural blueprint.
    2. Define the electric blueprint.
    3. Define the plumbing/piping blueprint.
    4. Develop an interior design description.
    5. Define a scheduling of the project.
    6. Define a contingency plan.
  2. Compile the ADL definitions to generate an URBI based code to be executed by the multi-agent system.
  3. Feed up the UCM with the compiled program and the rest of the just mentioned parameters (humans in charge, material availability, time clock punching and security and quality standards).
  4. Execute the building process.
What else? Your comments are welcome!

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